Kinesiology Taping Massage CE Course

Zen Shiatsu Massage School In Chicago

Kinesiology Taping Functional Strategies

Kinesiology Taping Functional Strategies

A brief discussion of the benefits, contraindications and precautions, as well as research to kick off the day. Applications for postural taping, specific injuries, general movement as well as for specific sports to support movements, and more will be demonstrated and practiced. Additionally how to access and customize taping approaches for each individual. The day will conclude with how to work these methods into your daily practice with clients.

Course Fees: $215.00 (7 CE hours, materials included)

How To Register

How To Register:

  • Registration for Zoom classes must be received 48 hours prior to the start of class. Registration will close after this time.
  • Registration for in-person classes that start on Saturday, Sunday or Monday must be received by 4pm Friday. Registration will close after that time.
  • If you are not ready to pay, you can still add your name to the interest list. Your space will not be permanently held until payment is made.
  • To pay by phone, call 847-864-1130
  • To pay online, check the box next to the associated start date below and  select the “NEXT STEPS ” button. By prepaying you agree to our registration policies.