Zen Shiatsu Massage School Overview Of CE Providerships

Unless otherwise specified, professionals in any of those professions may sign up for any of our CE courses. The only exceptions are:
Students of any background may sign up for Beginning Zen Shiatsu and the Shiatsu Massage Diploma Program. These have no professional prerequisites.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage. This course requires that the student be one of the following: LMT, PT, PTA, OT, COTA, RN, DC, or MD.
Classes in the Going Deeper series. These courses require that the student be a graduate of an Asian Bodywork Therapy program.
Yes. Because our courses are approved by the IL State Acupuncture board for license renewal, they automatically count for NCCAOM PDAs. This is under an NCCAOM recertification rule that allows for PDA credit for any courses that are approved by an acupuncture board.
Generally yes. We submit all our courses for NCBTMB approval, but there are a few categories of techniques that NCBTMB does not approve. The classes that do NOT count for NCBTMB credit are: EFT, Life-Changing Magic of Word Power, Heart Healing. Self-care classes DO count, but NCBTMB only allows a maximum of 4 hours of self-care to be counted in a renewal.
Please direct any further questions to Program Director Steve Rogne at [email protected] or 847-864-1130.