A Menopause 101 CE Course for Massage and Bodywork

Taught by Terri Visovatti
6 CE Hours $150
Perimenopause, menopause, post menopausal…
What does all this mean? Learn where and how you fit in to aid your clients as best you can as their bodies transition through these stages of life.
Though everyone has their own unique experience through their journey, there are some areas where massage and bodywork may help!
In school (elementary, middle, massage, others) most of us learned at most about the cessation of the menstrual cycle, menopause. Along the way we hear about hot flashes or whatever someone chooses to share as they are on their journey.
How informed are you, though? Even if you have made the journey yourself; how much did you already know?
In this course we will study:
How to incorporate into your practice:
This is not a massage technique heavy class, though we will have some activity and not just lecture. Everyone is welcome to join this course; unlike middle school health class! This is a safe space to discuss what we know, and don’t know; and discover where we fit! Questions are welcome!
We all have people in our life that have or will be going through this transition in life. There is still so much unknown or just scary about it as we were limited in our knowledge when we were learning about the body. This topic is exploding. With regards to massage therapy the course selections are limited.
Menopausal women are one of the most underserved groups in the health/healthcare industry. This is why I have created this course, and hopefully more to come, to help bridge the gap so we as bodyworkers can best support our clientele.