Myofascial Release CE Course In Chicago

Introduction to Myofascial Release
Taught by Bobbe Bermann
8 CEs / $200
Work smarter, not harder, during your massage therapy session by learning to incorporate Myofascial Release techniques. This approach works without lubrication, using intention and patience to provide a gentle, slow, sustained pressure into the fascial restriction barriers.
This encourages the unwinding and lengthening of the connective tissues to create ease of movement. Note that when force is used, the body guards and protects against the very thing the therapist is trying to accomplish: melting resistance!
During this workshop, we will discuss the organization and structural layers of the superficial/deep fascia, the properties of fascia and fascia’s role as a communication system. We will look at the difference between normal healthy fascia versus fascia that is restricted. Ample time will be provided to practice applying both superficial and deep fascial techniques.
Come explore how to accomplish specific, lasting change in the client’s body!