Student For Life Membership

Nearly unlimited CE courses for a year

Have You Heard of the Student For Life Program?

Student For Life members can take nearly unlimited CE courses for a year at a subscription rate of $110/month.

Now through January 15, you can sign up for Student For Life at the discounted rate of $95/month, covering all of 2025! 

This is an excellent way to deepen and renew your shiatsu practice in 2025


In the Student For Life Subscription, you get all of the following:

Unlimited Elective Classes Take almost any of our usual elective classes FREE.

Included Free CE Courses:
Cupping, Craniosacral Therapy 1-3, Reiki 1, Guasha/Tuina, Barefoot Shiatsu, Shiatsu for Common Problem Areas, Aromatherapy on Point, Sports Massage, Shiatsu for End of Life Care, Qigong, Seated Shiatsu, Herbal Workshops with Anne, Kinesiotaping, Trauma-Informed Bodywork, Trauma-Informed Touch, Oncology Massage, Myofascial Release, and ANY other short CE workshops not mentioned in the limitations below. All FREE!!!!

A few special classes that aren’t included free are included at a deep discount:
Reiki 2: take it for $125 ($150 discount)
Reiki 3: take it for $225 ($150 discount)
Manual Lymph Drainage: $700 ($295 discount)
Monthly Workshops with Winter Jade ($150 discount per workshop)
Occasional 1-week intensives with international instructors (discounts vary)

A small number of classes are not included:
Craniosacral 4 Retreat
Postgraduate Studies
Saturday morning Qigong
Offsite Classes

View all the available classes on the CE calendar here:

Unlimited Going Deeper Classes

These are monthly classes designed specifically for the needs of advanced students, open only to shiatsu graduates. 

2025 topics will include:

  • Meridian Flow Perception with Justin
  • Cultivating Expansive Touch with Arlette
  • 10,000 Leagues Under the Qi with Nathan
  • Shiatsu for Fertility with Steve & Anne
  • Retaining Clients through Skillful Dialogue with Steve.
  • And more!

Going Deeper Class Series

Regularly $150-300 each, the whole series is FREE!!!


More Membership Benefits:

Big Discounts on How-To Workshops with Grandmother Winter Jade. Grandmother Winter Jade has decided to do one last series of workshops before retiring.  This will begin with a series of 3-day workshops in the first half of the year, and will continue with further programming in the last half of 2025.

Session and Merchandise Discounts
$95 Rate on professional sessions  (reduced from $110)
20% Merchandise Discount

FREE access to ALL our online classes include past Going Deeper classes and the Chinese Medicine seminars
There are over 20 classes to enjoy in recorded formats.

All of this is included for free with a $95/month Student For Life Subscription: Sign Up Now!

A typical Student For Life takes about $4500 worth of classes, and pays a monthly subscription total of $1140 for the year.  That’s a $3300 savings!!

Massage school in class example

How does it work?

In the Student For Life membership, you commit to $95/month for 12 months ($1140 total).  In the event that you discontinue before 12 months, we add up what you’ve paid and the value of the free classes and discounts you’ve used so far.  If the value of classes and discounts is more than what you’ve paid in membership fees, we ask you to pay the difference.  But the most you’ll ever owe for the year is $1140 total, even if you’ve taken more classes than that.

Please let us know if you have any questions, the reduced rate of $95/month is available through January 15th!  You can sign up here, or call us at 847-864-1130