The Space In-Between: A One Day Exploration In Continuing Education In Chicago

Zen Shiatsu Massage School In Chicago

The Space In-Between


The Space In-Between

Taught by Randy Cummins

6 CEs, $150

The Space In-Between highlights the importance of addressing the fascial and energetic planes of the body.

We will be exploring the areas between:

  • Muscles
  • Muscles and Bones
  • Tightness and Slack
  • Movement and Stagnation
  • Inhale and Exhale

Conscious bodywork can help with techniques that utilize sustained pressure to loosen and lengthen constricted fascia. It breaks down adhesions between the tissues and softens and re-aligns them, freeing up muscles and allowing easier and more effective physical and energetic movement.

Techniques to be utilized:

  • Sustained Engagement through Proper Body Mechanics
  • Palpation of Specific Muscular and Bony Landmark
  • Positions for Sustained and Supported Compression
  • Reintroducing Movement Through Stretches and Rotations
This is an in-person class.

The Space In-Between: How To Register

How To Register:

  • Course registrations must be received by 5pm the day before the start of class.
  • If you are not ready to pay, you can still add your name to the interest list. Your space will not be permanently held until payment is made.
  • To pay by phone, call 847-864-1130
  • To pay online, check the box next to the associated start date below and  select the “NEXT STEPS ” button. By prepaying you agree to our registration policies.

Register for The Space In-Between