Zen Shiatsu Massage School

Zen Shiatsu Massage School In Chicago

Disclosure of Student Success Data /
Policies and Supplements

Required disclosures for IL Board of Higher Education approval, for reporting period 7/1/22 - 6/30/23.

Disclosures of Student Success Data – Shiatsu Massage Therapy Diploma Program
# of students already admitted in the course of instruction57
Additions during the year due to:
New Starts49
Re Enrollments0
Transferred into the course of instruction from other courses of instruction0
Total number admitted during reporting period106
Of the course of instruction enrollment, the number of students who:
Completed or graduated from a course of instruction14
Were still enrolled as of 6/30/2379
Withdrew from the school13
Transferred out of the course of instruction to another course of instruction0
Of the # of graduates of the program, the number of graduates who:
Were placed in their field of study11
Were placed in a related field0
Were placed out of the field0
Were not available for placement due to personal reasons1
Were not employed1
Number of students who took a licensing or certification exam11
Number of students who passed said exams11
Number of graduates who obtained employment in the field who did not use the school’s placement assistance8
The average starting annual salary for all school graduates employed during the reporting period.$87.60/hr

Zen Shiatsu Chicago is approved to operate by the IL Board of Higher Education, and is accredited by COMTA, a U.S. Department of Education-recognized accrediting body.

Complaints regarding this institution may be registered at:

IL Board of Higher Education, Private Business and Vocational Schools, 1 N Old State Capitol Plaza Suite 333, Springfield, IL 62701, 217-782-2551


The Shiatsu Massage Therapy Diploma Program meets the educational requirements for professional licensure in Illinois, which requires 600 hours including specified subjects.  If you plan on transferring to another state after graduation, be sure to check the requirements for that state, as the school has not made a determination for other state’s requirements.  An admissions representative can assist you with researching the requirements of other states.

Download our complete Course Catalog / Student Handbook here

Sample Enrollment Agreement – Shiatsu Massage Therapy Diploma Program

Sample Enrollment Agreement – Beginning Zen Shiatsu

Sample Enrollment Agreement – Zen Shiatsu II

Sample Enrollment Agreement – Zen Shiatsu III

Sample Enrollment Agreement – Chinese Medicine Fundamentals

Policies related to the IL Student Debt Assistance Act