Zen Shiatsu Chicago Faculty: Pamela Ferguson

As a survivor of metastatic breast cancer, Pam has used her own experiences to innovate new ways of working with survivors pre-and-post surgery, using creative Qi exercises and imagery to maximize client empowerment. Therapists will acquire new techniques and easy-to-learn protocols involving acupoints, meridians and subtle movement adapted to the needs of each individual client. A knowledge of the meridian system is useful, but not essential. Pam’s tips help clients regain mobility, flexibility and upper body strength, and help prevent lymphodema, a common postmastectomy challenge. She will also teach scar therapy. Pam’s workshops benefit Massage Therapists, Asian Bodywork Therapists and Acupuncturists, as well as Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, RNs and MDs in North America and Europe.