How to Access Class Handouts and Videos In Student Resources

How To Find Class Material
*** Currently Enrolled Students Only ***
Either: Go to the student portal at
OR: from the main website, click the first “Shiatsu Certification” green button. On the next navigation choose “Student Resources > Student Portal”
The portal login should look like this:

Your ID number and password should be in your email. Search your email for “polischool” and it should be findable! If you can’t find the email, write us at [email protected] and we can send it to you.
Once you’re logged in, the screen should look like this.

Click where it says “Enrollment Docs”, and choose “Study Guide” from the menu.

Then click the “Go” button.

Now you should see the list of all class resources that are available to you! You can download files or watch videos from this menu. Not all classes have downloadable resources. This viewing mode gives you a comprehensive list of everything that does.

To actually access the files, click the blue download arrow (for documents) or the green eye (for videos).
If nothing happens, it’s probably because your browser is blocking popups If your web browser usually blocks pop-ups, there is the possibility that you’ll get a notice that a pop-up was blocked, and no file will come through. If that’s the case, you’ll need to troubleshoot for your specific browser how to find the blocked pop-up and retrieve it.
For iPhone users in Safari: you will need to allow popups in the browser as a whole. Go to Settings, Safari, and then make sure the “Block Pop-ups” slider is deactivated (it should be grey).