Zen Shiatsu Massage Instructor Training

Zen Shiatsu is a very influential intellectual tradition. Many shiatsu practitioners throughout the US, UK and Europe practice a form inspired by or descended from Zen Shiatsu.
Every style is different in its own way, while sharing a common ancestry. At the heart of each is the pioneering work of Shizuto Masunaga, as collected in his texts, Zen Shiatsu and Meridian Exercises.
At Zen Shiatsu Chicago, we train students and instructors in the underlying intellectual foundations of Zen Shiatsu and Traditional Chinese Medicine. From that training, you will be in a great place to find your own path, exploring your own interpretations and exchanging ideas with shiatsu faculty and intellectuals around the country and worldwide.
Instructor trainees will learn how to manage a classroom, follow the learning curve of their students, and deepen their own theoretical and practical knowledge.
After training, instructors are welcome to teach classes at Zen Shiatsu Chicago, and we make active efforts to place our faculty in teaching positions around the Chicago area, in massage schools, acupuncture schools, and elsewhere, to raise awareness of the efficacy of this style of bodywork.
Instructor trainees are also invited to participate in curriculum review and development, to take part in the continual evolution of a contagious idea.