Advanced Clinical Shiatsu Practice

Starting January 2025
Free Information Session: Tuesday July 16th, 11am-12pm. Attend in-person or by Zoom RSVP by emailing your preferred attendance method to: [email protected]
Our Postgraduate Clinical Shiatsu Studies program has transformed the lives and practices of many therapists since it launched in 2014 with Michael DeAgro sharing his wisdom and life’s work.
Since 2022 this program has been reworked and taught by Steve Rogne, with help from WinterJade Forest and Jeanne Phenany, incorporating influences from his studies with many instructors. It represents the synthesis of many Shiatsu styles.
This Postgraduate training will cover:
This program focuses on helping graduates work with complex chronic disease. Of particular focus is helping people with diseases that have developed out of the experience of extreme stress and trauma. This includes post-traumatic pain, extreme emotional overwhelm, recurring chronic infectious diseases like Chronic Lyme Disease, autoimmune conditions, cancer and other life-threatening or degenerative illnesses.
You will also learn how to feel into the four levels of the field: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual, to be able to tell which level is most connected to a client’s complaint and to their body’s solutions. You will learn how to fully connect what you sense with what the client feels, and will learn how to put it in words that resonate with your client. These are the skills that help you make meaningful connections with your clients in treatment, to build trust for the long-term therapeutic process.
The 2025 schedule runs from Jan-May 2025. It will meet in four modules, on Mondays 8:30am-6:00pm.
Tuition: $3900.
In this module, you will learn the fundamental skills that will prepare you for success working with complex chronic illness. Your sensitivity will be increased by studying the four levels of the effect: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. You will learn Qi Cultivation techniques that will train your perception in preparation for the remaining three modules, and will learn clinical rapport skills that will help you negotiate outcomes with clients and set them up for a successful treatment plan.
In this module, you will learn how to affect the Sinew Channels. These collateral channels in Chinese Medicine represent the contractile tissue, the workings of the sensory-motor system in facilitating movement and the pain response, and the movement and expression of a human being. You will learn how to tell when a client issue requires work at the Sinew Channel level, and how to target your touch technique effectively to this level. Sinew Channels often are used to treat pain and movement dysfunction, immune system response and to provide emotional expressive freedom.
Divergent Channels represent a primitive survival reflex that is called into action during trauma. It represents a sustained guarding reflex, or the holding of an event for later processing when the individual feels safe and ready. Divergent Channels can be implicated in prolonged holding patterns following an accident, in chronic illness following trauma, including autoimmune conditions, and in the holding on to belief patterns that perpetuate a sense of the world as unrelentingly threatening or problematic.
Extraordinary Vessels are much more than specific flows within the body. Extraordinary Vessels describe the most general dynamics by which human beings take shape and story in time and space. Extraordinary Vessels treatments have profound implications for genetic expression, lifelong constitutional issues, life-threatening illnesses, and evolving stories about oneself and the world. How do we touch through time? How do we draw on resources from the past and future? How can we align with and make peace with universal evolutionary forces? This class concludes with synthesizing the approaches of the four modules into a flexible framework allowing for the client’s own preferences, readiness and spontaneous healing impulse to guide treatment.
Getting Started
Use the payment buttons below to make an initial deposit of $300. This deposit will be credited towards any of the payment plans above. Through Oct 31 the deposit may be refunded minus a 5% fee. After Oct 31 the deposit is nonrefundable.
Or email [email protected] to announce your intent to register, and we will be in touch about next steps.
We look forward to embarking on these next chapters in your professional development with you!