Devotion Meditation Through Gong Work

Zen Shiatsu Massage School In Chicago

Gong Meditation
Ocean of Devotion with Preston Klik

Register & Pay Today With PayPal:

July 20th, Saturday, 7pm CANCELLED

October 19th, Saturday 7pm OPEN FOR REGISTRATION

Taught by Preston Klik
$40 with Pre-Registration | $50 at the Door

If purchasing for multiple people, please type their names here, and edit the number of tickets in the checkout cart accordingly:

Gong Meditation

Gong Meditation - Ocean of Devotion Course Description

Preston Klik’s Ocean of Devotion Gong Native Flute Singing Bowls Meditation is a gentle, often quiet, but at times cathartic experience. It’s a 90-minute acoustic journey with periods of verbal guidance. Preston plays a 36-inch OCEAN GONG, plus a variety of world instruments. Kick back, relax, and dip into your imagination! This richly cinematic musical odyssey-meditation is as beautiful to the eye as it is to the ear, heart, body, mind, and spirit.

“It was like a blind date with my True Self.”
“If prayer had a sound, this might be it.”

Pre-register online with the button below: $40 per ticket, edit the quantity in the cart for multiple tickets.  You don’t need a PayPal account to check out, simply choose “check out without a PayPal account” to proceed with a credit or debit card.

OCEAN OF DEVOTION PRE-REGISTRATION – $40 (Saturday, October 19th, 7pm)

Gong Meditation Details

The Gong Meditation – Ocean Of Devotion covers the following:

  • Remove barriers between your Self and your fullest expression of Love.
  • Use sacred sound to dissolve and release dis-empowering stories.
  • Align your Self with Source so that Spirit can express through you, AS you.