Zen Shiatsu Massage School Partnerships

We strive to expand the definition of healing to include the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of an individual. We endeavor to create an environment in which both practitioner and patient are engaged in their own healing process and lifelong learning. We intend to serve as a new model for addressing health in this country.
Zen Shiatsu Chicago students have annual learning opportunites at the Integrative Medicine Center, to prepare themselves for participation in integrated therapeutic environments.
The meditation classes and enlightening events, workshops and retreats offered at the Inner Metamorphosis University include a variety of ancient and new practices using dance, expressions of the different emotions and feelings, awareness-oriented activities such as hiking meditation, breath-awareness, and periods of silence.
Any student or client of shiatsu wishing to deepen their own meditation practice is strongly encouraged to attend ongoing classes and workshops at IMU.
Heaven Meets Earth is a family yoga studio and healing boutique with a mission to serve the community. We are dedicated to offering men, women and children programs and products that nourish our spirits and enrich our lives in a healthy and whole way.
Zen Shiatsu Chicago applauds Heaven Meets Earth Yoga’s family-oriented approach to wellness. Students of all ages will find themselves at home here.
Malik Turley founded the Hip Circle Studio to meet the needs of women (and the people who love them) throughout every stage of life. Providing a blend of classes, services, resources, and community events, Hip Circle Studio is the place to be for you and your family.
Malik is a great neighbor and community leader within the Main Street neighborhood in Evanston. Please take the time to visit her studio and familiarize yourself with the great womens’ resources she offers.
At True Nature we strive to be a trusted source of natural foods and products. From farmer to local grocer to you we make decisions based on the common interest of our customers. We share in co-op communities by being a drop off site for two independently owned and operated farms: Farmer Tom’s CSA and Family Farms. You are helping to support an ideal, a goal and a purpose: control of our food sources in the hands of the people.
Zen Shiatsu Chicago recognizes the need for local sourcing and locally-owned retail of wholesome, organic food. We recommend that clients and students support True Nature, learn more about Community Sponsored Agriculture, and consider how agricultural methods impact personal and social health.
BirthLink® is a resource for families that are seeking optimal health and wellness with regard to childbirth and health care. You will find practitioners, classes and events as well as educational information.
Explore your options for childbirth and family wellness care in one easy-to-use location. The choices you make can have a long-term impact on your family’s health and well-being. Do your research and educate yourself. Parents often say, “I wish I had known what I know now!” after finding our web site!
Consider a private birth options consultation so you can make informed decisions and have a healthy and happy birth experience.