Zen Shiatsu Massage Student Tutoring

Standard Tutoring: For students who would like additional one-on-one instruction to help meet their learning goals, tutoring services are available at the rate of $95/hr.
Remedial Tutoring: If a student fails a written or practical exam, remedial tutoring is meant to get the student back on track for a retake of the exam. This tutoring is available at the reduced rate of $35/hr. Remedial tutoring can address specific failed learning objectives or language barrier issues.
Physical Issues Tutoring: If a student is experiencing a physical pain or injury that is preventing them from performing floor-based bodywork without exacerbating the pain, then the student may be eligible for 1-3 hours of tutoring at no cost to help correct the issue through transition to table-based practice. This eligibility is at the discretion of the Supervising Instructor, and is for the express purpose of being able to perform shiatsu in a pain-free manner. This is typically utilized when an outside incident introduces a joint injury that might disallow the body movements needed for continuing floor-based practice.
The school administration and Supervising Instructor will determine when tutoring is appropriate for a given student. You will be paired with a tutor, and can then contact your tutor to arrange meeting times conducive to both of your schedules. A minimum of 2 hours for each tutoring session is required to secure the tutor’s travel time and appointment. You are welcome to schedule longer tutoring appointments if you prefer.
Disability Services: Students with physical or learning disabilities or language barriers making it difficult to complete written tests within the allotted time are allowed to arrange a separate time to take written exams, with no time limits.
Students may opt to have tests administered orally. Prospective students with disabilities can receive assistance from the Admissions Advisor and Financial Officer with pre-admissions document completion (i.e. Prospective students can opt to have the program and/or financial application read to them and their answers can be transcribed on their behalf.)
In addition, students and prospective students with visual and hearing impairments, may request handouts with larger type and may sit as close as necessary when viewing demonstrations or listening to lectures.